Structural Survey: Volume 12 Issue 4
Table of contents
Developments in Assessing the Structural Integrity of Applied Surfaces to Concrete Buildings
Christopher C. Stanley, R.V. BalendranDebonding, leading to the subsequent detachment of applied finishes toconcrete buildings, is becoming a serious problem in many parts of theworld. Checking building elevations by…
Computing and the Construction Industry
Neil Scott, David Ponniah, Ben SaudReviews the general state of computer systems in the constructionindustry. Reports on a survey aimed at examining the attitudes ofpeople in the construction industry regarding…
Bricks: Properties and Classifications
G.C.J. LynchStudies the various contemporary standard brick products that areavailable and examines in detail their inherent properties andclassifications which ensures that British bricks…
ERA Technology’s Surface Penetrating Radar
David DanielsTraces the development of Surface Penetrating Radar (SPR) and thereasons for its use by the police in the recent search for human remainsin Gloucestershire. An explanation is…
Urban Conservation in the Republic of Ireland: The Dublin Example – Part 1
Rob PickardConcentrates on the importance of the European Commission′s Green Paperon the Urban Environment which recognizes the need to preserve thehistorical heritage of the built…
New York Terracotta
P.G. SwallowTraces the development of terracotta in the USA, by particular referenceto its use in buildings erected in New York. The influence ofarchitectural developments in England…