Structural Survey: Volume 11 Issue 1
Table of contents
Dampness following the insertion of a remedial damp‐proof course
G.R. ColemanDiscusses the causes of damp following the insertion of a remedialdamp‐proof course and the methods which can be used to detect andprevent it. Details hygroscopic and capillary…
Project management in Europe
P.K. GouldingDiscusses the differences in approach between project management inthe United Kingdom and in Europe, emphasizing the importance of theconsultant due to differences in professional…
Domestic radon: the legal implications for surveyors
L.W. Blake, P.F. AdamsDiscusses the radioactive gas radon and its effects on the legalobligations of surveyors and other professionals concerned with thedesigning, refurbishment and appraisal of…
The cathedrals survey 1991
Harry M. FairhurstOutlines the extensive survey of the 42 Anglican and 19 RomanCatholic Cathedrals in England undertaken by the author in 1991.Describes the six sections of the survey reports…
Opportunities for building surveyors in Poland
David Owen, Hugh Cross, Keith GautierOutlines the opportunities for building surveyors in Poland asdiscovered by the Bureau of European Building Consultants and Experts(BEBCE) on their visit to Warsaw in 1991…
High‐rise system blocks: investigation and refurbishment
Peter M. ButlerDiscusses the investigation, assessment and refurbishment of 20high‐rise and 26 medium‐rise large panel system blocks by BrianMoorehead and Partners, for the London Borough of…
Cladding failure
Mark BakerExplores the causes, outcomes and remedies of cladding failure inits many forms, from life threatening component separation and glassbreakage, to costly water intrusion and air…