Structural Survey: Volume 10 Issue 2
Table of contents
Roof slates and tiles – the cheaper alternative to the “real thing”
Anthony L. PooleOpens with a discussion as to whether the ′real thing′ isnecessarily better than the ′cheaper alternatives′, and traces thehistoric rise of alternatives to ′real′ building…
Satisfactory housing standards?
Hilary DaviesReiterates the standard for fitness of human habitation set by the1989 revision of the 1985 Housing Act, section 604, and the majorchanges brought about by the revision…
Dry rot in the refurbished building
Ronald WildeExamines the problem of dry rot appearing during a refurbishmentcontract. Discusses investigation techniques for dry rot, and the roleand management of specialist treatment firms…
Robert A. ButcherDefines what varnish is, and traces its history. Outlines thevarious types of varnish and their main uses – alkyds, cellulose,melamine, epoxy, polyurethanes, phenolic…
Czechoslovakia – Part II
Richard CattContinues the discussion begun in part one of the article(Structural Survey 10.1) with some of the problems faced byCzechoslovakia following the separation of that country from…
Improving surveying skills with computer‐aided learning tools – Part 2
S.L.J. MikaContinues from the first part of the article (Structural Survey9.2) in describing the work undertaken in computer‐aided learning at theUniversity of Reading, UK. Describes, with…
Collapses of historic buildings
Michael LowndesDraws on the sudden collapse of two listed buildings inWestminster, London in 1990, to conclude that old buildings, built on acellular basis, are at risk of instability from any…
Treatment of joints in building structures
I.J. MoffatClaims that joints in buildings have been well‐discussed in theliterature, rightly, as they fail frequently. Reviews the principles ofjoint design and joint sealing, including the…
Rising groundwater levels beneath London – an update
B. Simpson, V. RobinsonFollows a previous article (Structural Survey 6.3) in tracing risesin groundwater levels beneath London between 1985 and 1990, drawingparticularly on a 1989 report published by…