Journal of Management Development: Volume 8 Issue 5


Table of contents

Overcoming Resistance to Management Development

Henry C. Culley

The difficulty of getting busy executives to focus their attentionduring management and executive development programmes is discussed. Theexperience of programmes conducted at the…

Executive Development as a Competitive Weapon

David Ulrich

It is demonstrated how businesses can use executive development togain competitors′ advantage. Specific choices and practices used byexecutives to help make this happen are…

Graduating from the School of Hard Knocks

Robin Snell

Research suggests that learning at work involves needlesspsychological distress among managers. It is proposed that managementeducators make it a priority to equip managers to…

Work Experiences that Stretch Managers′ Capacities for Strategic Thinking

Stephen A. Stumpf

Thinking and acting strategically have been identified as essentialskills for managing organisations in the twenty‐first century. The rapidrate of technological change, the…

Management Training and its Contribution to Economic Recovery in Africa

Leo Schellekens

Africa′s economic decline over the period since most countriesbecame independent is discussed, and suggestions are offered to make theAfrican management institutions more…

The Assessment Centre is Not Dead! How to Keep it Alive and Well

Steven H. Appelbaum, Frank Kay, Barbara T. Shapiro

The advantages of using assessment centre methods for employeeappraisal at various organisational levels are described, with adetailed explanation of the background to the method…


Research Article: The Impact of an MBA Programme on Managerial Abilities

Richard E. Boyatzis, Anne Renio Case

Despite the growing concerns about the impact of graduatemanagement education, few studies have documented their effect on astudent′s managerial abilities. An outcome assessment…

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  • Associate Professor Magnus Larsson