Journal of Management Development: Volume 36 Issue 2


Table of contents - Special Issue: Entrepreneurial university: geographical and strategic differences around the world

Guest Editors: Rosa Caiazza, Scott Shane, Graziella Ferrara

How the Circle Model can purpose-orient entrepreneurial universities and business schools to truly serve society

Katrin Muff

The purpose of this paper is to outline a path for entrepreneurial universities to embrace their purpose as custodians of society and to hardwire it institutionally.

Expanding entrepreneurship education ecosystems

Maksim Belitski, Keith Heron

The creation of start-ups using knowledge provided by universities has been identified as an important source of knowledge spillover and regional economic development…


How entrepreneurship, culture and universities influence the geographical distribution of UK talent and city growth

Marc Cowling, Neil Lee

The creation and distribution of human capital, often termed talent, has been recognised in economic geography as an important factor in the locational decisions of firms…


The entrepreneurial university: an exploration of “value-creation” in a non-management department

Nnamdi O. Madichie, Ayantunji Gbadamosi

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the strategies undertaken by “entrepreneurial” universities to leverage their bottom-line especially in response to withdrawals of public…

Researchers as enablers of commercialization at an entrepreneurial university

Eva Berggren

The purpose of this paper is to explore and visualize alternative ways – how and by whom – that academic research can come into commercial use.

The effect of parent university on firm growth: an analysis of the Spanish and Italian USOs

Christian Corsi, Antonio Prencipe, María Jesús Rodríguez-Gulías, Sara Fernández-López, David Rodeiro-Pazos

The purpose of this paper is to explore the hypothesis that the university context may partially determine the growth of university spin-offs (USOs), with a cross-national…

To manage or govern? Researching the legitimacy of NPM-based institutional reforms in Russian universities

Tatiana Khvatova, Svetlana Dushina

Global trends in higher education are calling now for public university reforms which aim to increase the competitiveness of the university on the world markets, enlarging its…

Factors affecting universities’ ability to foster students’ entrepreneurial behaviour: An empirical investigation

Lamberto Zollo, Maria Carmen Laudano, Cristiano Ciappei, Vincenzo Zampi

The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate behavioural and contextual factors affecting entrepreneurial universities’ ability to influence student entrepreneurship…


Entrepreneurial university: a case study at Stony Brook University

Gerrit Wolf

A business school within a research university can improve the startup process and success on and near campus. The purpose of this paper is to show the mutual benefits to business…

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  • Associate Professor Magnus Larsson