Journal of Management Development: Volume 10 Issue 4


Table of contents

Management Development and Change in a Demanding Health Care Environment

James A. Johnson, R. Wayne Boss

The problems facing many US health care organisations may provecritical for survival for many of them. The article outlines the natureof the problems: increased patient demands…

Collaborative Management Development: Sharing a Wealth of Ideas and Experience

Charles McConnell

A collaborative approach to the development of lower‐levelmanagement skills was devised and put into practice at a teachinghospital. Beginning as an open forum in which attendees…

Management Development and Succession Planning: Lessons for Health Service Organisations

S. Robert Hernandez, Cynthia Carter Haddock, William M. Behrendt, Walter F. Klein

In this article a definition of “succession planning”is given, outlining the potential benefits and problems of implementinga succession‐planning programme in a health service…

Simulation in the Hospital Setting: Implications for Managerial Decision Making and Management Development

Johathon S. Rakich, Paul J. Kuzdrall, Keith A. Klafehn, Alan G. Krigline

Simulation is a powerful analytical technique that plays a role inthe development of managers′ problem‐solving and decision‐making skillsas well as those skills related to…

Team Building in Health Care

R. Wayne Boss

The pressures currently facing US health care organisations,especially hospitals, in a risk environment are analysed. An importantroute to maximising efficiency is identified as…

Organisational Downsizing in Hospitals: Considerations for Management Development

Anne Osborne Kilpatrick, James A. Johnson, Jacquelyn K. Jones

The problems facing hospitals are outlined as they attempt tosurvive in a turbulent environment. One solution to coping withorganisational crisis is downsizing. However, there are…

The Changing Health Care Workplace: A Challenge for Management Development

Norman Metzger

The case is forcibly stated for a new style of management focusedon the needs, expectations and participation of health care employees atall levels. Only collaborative teamwork is…

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  • Associate Professor Magnus Larsson