Journal of Management Development: Volume 1 Issue 4


Table of contents

Management Development: The Challenge of Mixed Ability Groups

D.B. Candlin, S.D. Franklin, J.L. Heath, J.R. Knibbs

A common experience of tutors of post graduate management courses is the wide range of backgrounds, attributes, qualifications, experience and competence of course members. In…

Management Subcultures: Research and Change

Kjell R. Knudsen

The purpose of this paper is to suggest the existence and nature of management culture. In particular, attention needs to be given to management subcultures. The norms, beliefs…

Management Development in the Small Firm: A Case Study

Margaret Harrison

Preparation For Change. The Company I am the managing director of a business which distributes solid fuel, oil, lubricants and allied products. I own nearly half the shares…

Management Education for Real

Roger Bennett

There is a crisis facing management education today. The importance of effective management in the development of profitable enterprises and a sound economy is recognised, as is…

Making Managers Numerate

Paul B. Cragg

Managers need to be numerate as well as literate. Courses aimed at increasing numeracy often gain very mixed receptions from participants; dissatisfaction being a common reaction…

Extending Managerial Skills — A Case From a Telecommunications Company

David Barron

A major finding of a symposium held in Abu Dhabi in 1979 by the Stanford Research Institute was that the major challenge in the Gulf States in the 1980s would be a lack of…

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  • Associate Professor Magnus Larsson