Equal Opportunities International: Volume 21 Issue 2
Table of contents
Job selection criteria: a study of subcultural differences in perception
Spero C. PeppasReports on graduate business students’ perceived importance ratings of 26 job selection criteria. Attempts to determine if statistical differences exist between the importance…
By gosh I think she’s got it – well, not yet
Alan J. Dubinsky, Lucette B. Comer, Sandra S. LiuCharts the rise of women into sales manager positions in the US and looks at the general traits which help females in such roles. Cites that women have more trouble being accepted…
An original and data based approach to the work‐life balance
Daniel VloeberghsStates that there is a need for a practical instrument to measure the present situation of work‐life balance. Describes the development process of the Family and Business Audit…
Ageism: no longer the equal opportunity stepchild
Richard Cardinali, Zandralyn GordonLooks briefly at the legal framework before considering the changing demographics across the world. Looks at campaigns to help the older worker. Considers the issue of mandatory…