Equal Opportunities International: Volume 15 Issue 1
Table of contents
The Use of a Group Discussion in a Further Education College to Enhance Equal Opportunities in the Staff Selection Process
Nicholas BanksAt an anecdotal level it is puzzling that senior management will often spend more time in researching and assessing their needs towards the goal of getting the right colour…
An Exploratory Study of Sex Differences in Interpersonal Networks and Development functions
Ronald J. Burke, Julia M. Bristor, Mitch RothsteinAlthough more women are entering managerial and professional jobs with increasingly appropriate academic and experience credentials for upward mobility, few of them make it to…
Training Programmes that Equip Managers to Deal with a Diverse Workforce
Carolyn WileyIn 1964, the Congress of the United States passed the Civil Rights Act. Title VII of this act prohibited employers from engaging in employment discrimination based purely on race…