Equal Opportunities International: Volume 14 Issue 8
Table of contents
Personal, Educational and Career Characteristics of Canadian Women ‘Directors’
Ronald J. BurkeCorporate directors have almost exclusively been white males. Women have been increasingly appointed to corporate boards but their numbers remain small at about five per cent…
Positive Culture: The Key Element for Successful Teamwork
Edna C. WardPositive relationships between management and employees at the work place can enhance the climate of the organisation. By examining management/employee relationships, one can…
Approaching Management Development for Black Managers
John LawlerThe area of race in management and management development is one which has received relatively little attention, certainly in comparison with, for example, the attention given to…
Employment of Urban Chinese Women
Employment of Urban Chinese Women Volume Lll, Number 1 of theReview of Social Economy includes an article by Gale Summerfield enrided “Effects of the Changing Employment Situation…