Equal Opportunities International: Volume 11 Issue 3
Table of contents
Supporting the Career Aspirations of Managerial Woman: Desired Developmental Opportunities
Carol A. McKeen, Ronald J. BurkeAn increasing number of women are preparing themselves for managerial and professional careers. They are doing this by enrolling in and graduating from schools of administration…
Pay at the Top of the University Ladder
Amanda HartIntroduction This was the first comprehensive survey and analysis of UK university professorial and senior staff salaries. The survey was conducted by the AUT in response to…
Volume 64 Part 4 of the Journal of Occupational Psychology includes an article by Hazel M. Rosin and Karen Korabik entitled “Workplace variables, affective responses, and…
Business Textbook Coverage of Aids in the Workplace: Results of a Survey
Alan N. Miller, John P. KohlMore than a decade after the first officially reported case in the United States, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) now poses a major challenge for American…