The Tourist Review: Volume 52 Issue 3
Table of contents
Senior citizens' tourism: A simple approach to determine their future travel behaviour
Martin Lohmann, Guido MerzbachThere is no doubt: the “Senior Citizens Market” is growing all over Europe. Thus, designing specific marketing strategies and adapting the tourist product to the prospective needs…
A survey of Austria's tourist industry
Egon SmeralIn a study commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Austrian Institute of Economic Research conducted a written survey of the Austrian hotel industry (hotels…
Holiday decision‐making in the Netherlands; Selection processes with regard to domestic and foreign holiday destination
Jac Zom, Winny van HalEver since the rise of tourism, the holiday behavior of the Dutch has been subjected to certain changes inherent to various general societal developments. The assumption is…
Long‐haul tourism 2005: Delphi study
Hansruedi MllerTourism to distant countries is booming, as many statistics confirm. And the forecasts indicate that long‐haul tourism, with its advantages and disadvantages for travellers and…
Tourism quality plan: An effective tourism policy tool
Rik De Keyser, Norbert VanhoveThe starting‐point of this article is that it will be essential to give quality a crucial function in the tourism policy of the future. The philosophy of quality management is…
Der strukturwandel im alpinen tourismus und daraus resultierende anpassungsprobleme der tourismusunternehmen
Klaus Weiermair, J.W. AuerPost‐war tourism in the Swiss Alps developed in four distinct phases. The pioneering phase (1955 – 65) was led by small family businesses of an old‐fashioned patriarchal stamp…