The Tourist Review: Volume 51 Issue 2


Table of contents

Appreciating the built environment through cultural tourism: Fundamental changes in values and approaches

Claude Moulin

This paper will examine the importance of seeing, reading, evaluating and better appreciating the built environment. Creative observation of built environment is fundamental to…

Evaluer les retombees economiques d'un reseau culturel: application a terre catalane

Claude Origet du Cluzeau

The national accounts make no attempt to take earnings from culture, as such, into account. This does not mean that the sums which people pay to go to concerts, visit monuments…

Managing hotel guest satisfaction: Towards a more focused approach

Margit G. Engeset, Morten Heide

Despite the fact that both reserchers and managers agree that consumer satisfactions is a key factor for the success of hotels, little research has been done to reveal what…


Information technologie as a stategic tool for tourism

Dimitrios Buhalis

This article analyses the impact of telecommunication technologies on tourism distribution channels for small and medium enterprises.

Deconstructing destination image construction

Daniel Fesenmaier, Kelly MacKay

Tourism is leisure commodified. As a commodity, the actuality of tourism has been suggested as less important than its expressive representations. What is depicted or not depicted…


The need for the identification of the constituents of a destination's tourist image: A promotional segmentation perspective

Zafar U. Ahmed

This study was designed to examine the dimensions of tourist image as it may affect the promotion strategy for a given tourist destination. Identification of the different…

Bedürfnisstrukturen und zufriedenheitsstrukturen bezüglich des touristischen angebotes im kultur‐, und unterhaltungs‐ und gastronomischen bereich

Steinbach Josef, Kirstin Schlüter

Tourist regions have to adapt their offer to the continuously changing needs (new holiday trends, generation changes of travelers), in order to protect their markets. This…



Renamed to:

Tourism Review

Online date, start – end:

1946 – 2000

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited