The Tourist Review: Volume 51 Issue 1

Table of contents

Research in Spain on tourism and economic development

Venancio Bote Gómez

This article proposes to summarize and evaluate research undertaken in Spain on tourism and economic development so as to contribute to the elaboration of an economic theory of…


Research into policies on tourism

Eugenio Aguilo

La politique du tourisme de I'Espagne des trois décnieres décennies est analysée en profondeur. L'ouverture du pays durant les années 60 et la depreciation de la monnaie nationale…


Quantitative experiences in the economic analysis of tourism

Manuel Figuerola Palomo

Économiste de renom, l'auteur démontre le rle de pionnier que la recherche touristique espagnole a joué dans l'application d'instruments macroéconomiques tels que l'analyse…


Research into tourism enterprises in Spain: The state of the art

Eduardo Bueno Campos

This paper aims to find out the “state of the art” of research into tourism enterprises in Spain and the work carried out over the last thirty years. The methodology proposed to…


Research on tourist demand in Spain: An analysis and summary

Mrs. Agueda Esteban Talaya, Mrs. Eva Reinares Lara

This paper analyzes the evolution of research undertaken in the last 35 years on tourist demand in Spain. The research considered has been classified into three fields with their…


Tourism and marketing in Spain: Analysis of the situation and future perspectives

J. Enrique Bigné Alacañiz

The importance of tourism in Spain has not been accompanied by variety of marketing studies and research. In this paper the two great factors contributing to the slow development…


Spanish research on quality in tourism: The state of the art

Vicente M. Monfort Mir, Valencia Camisón Zornoza, Cesar Camisón Zornoza

The insufficient attention given up to now by Spanish academic researchers to quality in tourism, does not by any means invalidate the generalised conviction that the subject has…


Tourism research in Spain: The contribution of geography (1960–1995)

Salvador Antón i Clavé, Francisco López Palomeque, Manuel J. Marchena Gómez, Sevilla Vera Rebollo, J. Fernando Vera Rebollo

The Geography of Tourism in Spain is now at a par in terms of its scientific production with other European countries. Since the middle of the '80s the quality and volume of…




Renamed to:

Tourism Review

Online date, start – end:

1946 – 2000

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited