The Tourist Review: Volume 46 Issue 2
Table of contents
The protection of life environment and modern tourism
Stevan M. StankovicIn realizing the problems of the protection of life environment and of the modern tourism it is indispensable to start from the fact that the tourism is a specific consumer of the…
The health care tourism product in Western Europe
D.C. Gilbert, Marlies Van De WeerdtHealth‐care tourism, once treated as a miscellaneous activity within a destination, is now a prominent activity in many European countries. The health services now provided…
Zukunftsperspektiven der westdeutschen Heilbäder und Kurorte Zunehmender internationaler Wettbewerbsdruck
Georg BleileDas Gesundheits‐Reformgesetz (GRG), das am 1. Januar 1989 in Kraft getreten ist, bewirkte einen Rückgang der Leistungsausgaben der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung gegenüber dem…
Evolution of shortbreak holidays
Martin LohmannTravel Surveys in Europe: More than one problem to achieve this the results of several national tourism research projects have to be reviewed. It is known that the situation of…
Improving the reliability of international tourism statistics
Raphael Raymond Bar‐OnAnthony Edwards' recent study “The Reliability of Tourism Statistics ”in Travel & Tourism Analyst [Edwards 1991 in References below] is timely, coming before the WTO International…