The Tourist Review: Volume 46 Issue 1

Table of contents

The needs of a higher level education in tourism in post‐communist countries of middle‐eastern Europe (as illustrated by Poland)

Grzegorz Golembski

The purpose of this paper is to point out to the necessary of profound changes in the system of touristic education in the countries of middle‐eastern Europe, caused by the…


Tourism education in Israel

Amiad (Adi) Niv

The rapid expansion of Tourism projects in Israel during the last twenty years has created a special need of a professional staff.


Principles and practices in a tourism management program: Paper for the 40th AIEST Congress 12–18 August 1990, Berlin

Lars Nyberg

Higher education preparing for careers in the tourism sector has met with a lot of controversy over the years.


Managing for pleasure: Some lessons from a comparative review of management education programmes in tourism

David Parsons

Owners and managers in the world's most rapidly developing industry are under pressure. The real challenges of product and market differentiation, rising client expectations of…


Approche Managériale de la Formation Supérieure en Tourisme, Hôtellerie, Restauration, Activités Récréatives et Loisir au Québec

Faouzi Rassi

L'industrie du tourisme est florissante au Québec, puisqu'elle représente près de 2% du produit extérieur brut québécois et plus de 100'000 emplois à plein temps et parce qu'elle…


Ein touristisches Leitbild für Leningrad bis zum Jahre 2005

Klaus Edelmann, Mag. Irene Fakler

Im Rahmen einer engen Kooperation zwischen dem österreichischen Baukonzern ABV und der Stadt Leningrad wurde im Sommer 1990 der internationalen Öffentlichkeit ein “Touristisches…




Renamed to:

Tourism Review

Online date, start – end:

1946 – 2000

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited