The Tourist Review: Volume 41 Issue 2
Table of contents
L'accueil au cœur de la politique touristique
dr. José SeydouxLa thèse 1) que j'ai consacrée à l'accueil répond à une démarche inédite, dans la mesure ou, constituant l'aboutissement de toute une pensée qui n'a cessé d'inspirer mon activit�…
Anwendung des Verfahrens «Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)» bei der strategischen Planung von Verkehrsämtern
Günter HaedrichAusgangssituation: Probleme bei der Strukturierung von Entscheidungen Aus der Sicht marktorientierter Unternehmen bildet die strategische Unternehmens‐ und Marketingplanung eine…
The south African domestic holiday market and its propensity for air travel
Franco FerrarioAs part of its inquiry on the future growth potential of air traffic in South Africa, the National Institute for Transport and Road Research of the C.S.I.R., asked me at the…
The cyclic behaviour of tourist flows: Tourist arrivals in Mexico
Winston C. HusbandsIt is widely known, for most tourist destinations, that tourist arrivals tend to be seasonal — there tends to be a tourist season, or high season and low season. However, it is…
Quest for the best in the Canadian tourism
George KibediAccording to current forecasts, tourism will become Canada's leading industry by the year 2000 in terms of income, export earnings and employment.