The Tourist Review: Volume 38 Issue 4

Table of contents

33rd AIEST Congress/September 4–10 1983 in Nairobi (Kenya)

Excellencies Ladies and Gentlemen At the end of this memorable 33rd Congress of our Association, I would like to thank very heartly our hosts H.E. E.W. Mwangale, Minister for…


Success and progress of tourism in Kenya

Joseph M. Gitau

We all agree that Kenya is a viable Tourist destination. And that is the reason why the Kenya Government accepted tourism promotion as a policy as early as 1968.


The impact of a tropical holiday resort on its environment: The example of Diani Beach in Kenya

Hans Prechtl

The economic value of tourism in developing countries — an issue? Kenya, as other developing countries, develops its tourism, principally to take advantage of its economic…


Tourisme en espace rural et tourisme de pays en développement — un même problème de communication sociale

Suzanne Thibal

L'Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme invitait, en 1982, tous les Etats membres et les organisations internationales et nationales à une année de réflexion sur le thème: “pour la…


Das Marktvolumen der europäischen Herkunftsländer

Karl Heinz Müller

Einleitung Für Entscheidungsträger im Fremdenverkehr ist die Frage der regionalen Steuerung seiner Aktivitäten ein zentrales Anliegen.


Business cycle and tourism demand in Germany (FRG)

Georg Bleile

Importance of incoming tourism. Incoming tourism in the Federal Republic of Germany, which accounts for about 10 % of all overnight figures, is determined to a large extent by…


An analysis of the role of large conventions in the tourism industry

Ciaran Tuite

It has become accepted, almost as an article of faith in the tourism industry, that a major option, open to both large cities and traditional resorts which wish to maintain or…




Renamed to:

Tourism Review

Online date, start – end:

1946 – 2000

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited