The Tourist Review: Volume 31 Issue 4
Table of contents
Le tourisme, objet d'étude scientifique
C. KasparLe tourisme ne peut pas être compris hors du contexte global des activités économico‐sociales. Une approche isolée n'est pas concevable, par le simple fait que l'homme est au…
The impacts of tourism and recreational facility development
Jack L. Knetsch, Turgut VarThe impact of tourism on local economies has long been a concern of individual communities and of governmental agencies interested in promoting this source of local income. The…
The application of motivational research to tourism
K.C.R. BA MercerLaurence Sterne (1768), in his “Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy”, prefaced the account of the start of his voyage with an inquiry into why it is that we continue to…
Marketing im Fremdenverkehr
Ulrich Crettaz, o lic., BrigDie Problematik der systematischen Anwendung des Marketing im Fremdenverkehr — Gezielte Weiterbildung auf der Stufe der Unternehmens‐ und Betriebsführung als möglicher…
The Swiss travel market and its role within the main tourist generating countries of Europe
oec. Hanspeter SchmidhauserExcellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is an honor and a pleasure for me to be the first speaker of this seminar which deals with the contribution of Switzerland to the…