The Tourist Review: Volume 28 Issue 3
Table of contents
Kosten‐Nutzen‐Diskussion im Tourismus — Versuch eines Brückenschlages zwischen Theorie und Praxis
PD, Jost Krippendorf, BernSeit imgefähr 20 Jahren wächst die Weltwirt‐schaft vor allem als Folge des technologischen Fortschrittes Jahr für Jahr in. einem früher nie für möglich gehaltenen Ausmass. Man…
A Model of tourism flow into the Pacific
L.J. Crampon, K.T. TanA wide variety of factors influence international tourism; the number of trips taken, the distance traveled, the destinations selected for visits, and so forth. An understanding…
L'intégration des ressources historiques et des loisirs de plein air en un réseau — Un projet canadien
Francis‐Moeava PeltierCe texte se situe dans l'optique du nouveau programme du Ministère des Affaires indiennes et du Nord, qui concerne les «Lieux et parcours privilégiés». Ce programme ministériel…
International tourism in developing countries: Conditions and effects
Dr.H.L. TheunsInternational tourism belongs to the so‐called tertiary or service sector. It distinguishes itself from a number of other components of the service sector, such as public…
Human resource development in the tourism sub‐sector: The beginnings of a Venezuelan approach
David F. GetterDuring the past decade, as the emerging middle classes of the developed countries have become more mobile, spending their vacations abroad, many developing countries have been…
Incidenze del turismo sullo sviluppo socio‐economico in una zona alpina
Dott. C. KasparIl turismo ha nell'economia mondiale un ruolo sempre crescente, giacchè le entrate del turismo sono valutate a circa 24 miliardi di dollari per i1 1972. Essendo dunque chiamato ad…