Open House International: Volume 34 Issue 2


Table of contents


Vikram Bhatt, Leila Marie Farah

The Millennium Development Goals and Agenda 21 objectives have generated international research initiatives in the emerging field of urban agriculture (UA); these efforts in…

Tenure and Land Markets for Urban Agriculture

Mark Redwood

Cities are shaped by many elements, but undoubtedly one of the most significant factors is the urban land market. Urban farmers, often producing food on land with limited or no…

How Urban Agriculture is Reshaping Peri-Urban Beijing?

Zhang Feifei, Cai Jianming, Liu Gang

In Beijing, urban agriculture (UA) experienced a corkscrew development with its role changing in decades: It has evolved from the purely production mode to multi-functional urban…

Designing for Urban Agriculture in an African City: Kampala, Uganda

Jeanne M. Wolfe, Sarah McCans

This paper reports on a pilot project to develop a 32-acre site made available by the City of Kampala for housing with the express purpose of promoting urban agriculture. Started…

Participatory Design of Public Spaces for Urban Agriculture, Rosario, Argentina

Marielle Dubbeling, Laura Bracalenti, Laura Lagorio

Urban agriculture is increasingly recognized for its potential contribution to more sustainable urban development. Urban agriculture includes the cultivation and raising…

Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (CPUL): Essential Infrastructure and Edible Ornament

Andre Viljoen, Katrin Bohn

This paper defines Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (CPUL) as a strategy for the coherent integration of urban agriculture into urban space planning. The case is made for…

Designing for Food and Agriculture: Recent Explorations at Ryerson University

June Komisar, Joe Nasr, Mark Gorgolewski

Strategies to enable alternative urban food systems cannot be developed alone by those involved with the production and distribution aspects of food systems. It is important for…

Improvement of Inadequate Housing Via Urban Agriculture in Nairobi, Kenya

Michael Honing

Inadequate housing is a crisis that affects all areas of the world. The severity and magnitude of this crisis has been augmented by the exponential growth in the global…

Making the Edible Campus: A model for food-secure urban revitalisation

Vikram Bhatt, Leila M. Farah, Nik Luka, Jeanne M. Wolfe

The Edible Campus project was begun in spring 2007 in Montréal. An action-research project launched by volunteers and researchers from two leading local NGOs and university-based…

Jardins Communautaires ET Sécurité Alimentaire Community Gardens and Food Security

Daniel Reid

En 1977, les autorités municipales de Montréal ont décrété que 10% du territoire serait dorénavant zoné espaces verts. La plupart des quartiers avaient suffisamment de terrains…

The Edible Landscape of a Newfoundland Outport

Robert Mellin

This paper presents the remarkably edible landscape of Tilting, Fogo Island, Newfoundland. Tilting is a Cultural Landscape District (Historic Sites and Monuments Board) and a…

The Concept of Urban Agriculture Renewed for Cities of the South

A. Ba, H. To, A. Fleury

The major challenge for the peri-urban agriculture in the South is to maintain the food supply of cities because the food chains are often local and made up of a number of humble…

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  • Dr. Chaham Alalouch
  • Prof. Yonca Hurol