Collection Building: Volume 9 Issue 2
Table of contents
Cooperative Collection Development: The Northern California Experience
William PettosAs books and serials proliferate and their prices climb, acquisitions budgets remain static or decrease. One way to resolve the dilemma is a cooperative acquisitions program. The…
Regional Cooperation for Research Collections
Medea lonescoWith the dramatic expansion of information and of library users' need to access that information, cooperative collection development has become an increasingly attractive option…
Determining Budgets for School Library Media Centers
Virgil L.P. Blake, Renée TjoumasThere are two factors essential to collection development and management in any library or information center. The first is an explicit statement of the organization's goals. The…
Computer Applications in the Humanities: A Bibliography of American Fiction 1901–1925
Geoffrey D. SmithFor a library planning to add to a collection and develop a bibliography in a given area, the computer database can be a key factor in terms of efficiency of the process and the…
Managing Collections in an Automated Network Environment
Anne Marie AllisonThe goals of cooperation and collection management in academic libraries may sometimes seem mutually exclusive. Individual institutional objectives may compete and conflict with…
Actualities of Regulating Pornography
Robert S. BravardAs I think over this rather broad subject, there comes to mind a series of statements, many attribute to Baseball Hall of Fame catcher Yogi Berra. They appear quite simple on…
Compare and Contrast, Or, The Unexamined Cataloging Record Isn't Worth Inputting
Sanford BermanMore subject tracings. More notes. More added entries for persons, groups, and titles. More up‐to‐date terminology. More specific topical headings. More analytics. More subject…
Library‐Publishing: Automated Acquisitions
Libraries in the United States in the '90s must intensify their examination of how they do things if they are going to serve their patron communities more effectively and…