Collection Building: Volume 7 Issue 4


Table of contents

Acquisitions Policy in a Developing Economy: A Case Study of Nigerian State (Public) Libraries

Briggs C. Nzotta

Most literature on acquisitions, as well as on other aspects of librarianship, tends to focus on the developed countries. Automation, the application of the latest technologies…

A Search for Entrepreneurism in the Library

John R. Secor

The focus of this article is on entrepreneurism. More specifically, it is on the search for entrepreneurism in the business of librarianship. When I first thought about this…

A Markov Model Applied to the Circulation of Social Science and Literature Books in a Public Library

David R. Kohut

Use studies are often important in making decisions about weeding shelves. Circulation records, combined with measures of inhouse use and with more subjective estimations of the…

Where Have All the Women Gone? A Crash Course in Finding Them for YA Librarians

Judith W. Monroe

Recently, when I asked a forty year old artist friend if she was interested in women's achievements, she said, with a perfectly straight face, “Which achievements?” She continued…

Newspaper Indexing: In Search of a Solution

Barbara P. Semonche

Summon to your imagination, if you will, the following cast: investigative reporters, information‐hungry patrons, and reference librarians. Then, consider their roles in the…

Book Advertising—Amiable Deception?

What do these declarations share in common? “A passionate menage a½trois in a world of doomed love.” “Sizzling.” “The stuff of real dreams.” “Compelling.” “Permanent pleasures.”…

Minnesota Reviews: What Have We Here?

Joanne Hart

As old familiar publishing houses transmogrify into the diversified corporate structure these days, trade books are being contrived in board rooms with markets in mind, with…

Pleasingly Plump—Part 2, Fiction

A recent bestseller by Stephen King, Thinner, is a thriller about a gypsy curse. Billy Halleck, a successful lawyer who is fifty pounds overweight, accidentally sideswipes an old…

FAO Publications

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is an international organization affiliated with the United Nations. It is involved with all aspects of nutrition, agriculture, and…







Online date, start – end:

1978 – 2017

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Emerald Publishing Limited