Collection Building: Volume 6 Issue 1
Table of contents
Assessing “Readiness for Resource Sharing” in an Academic Library
Judith M. FellerIn the last ten years, an abundance of writing has appeared on the need for cooperation, resource sharing, and networking. The terms themselves are not always well defined…
“Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses”: Immigration to America
Kathleen W. CraverDuring the decade 1970 to 1979, more than 11 million immigrants came to the United States. The only comparable period in the nation's history was from 1900 to 1909, when entire…
Beep. Bong. Replace Shh! in the Library When Video Games are Added to the Collection
Carol A. EmmensFor the last two years the prices of Atari's games and computers have dropped so much that the company was forced to dump—literally—thousands of dollars worth of games and…
Thoughts on Selection
Is selection censorship? That old conundrum will haunt libraries until the countryside is littered with angels. In a 1983 issue of Top of the News, the editor claims that “Lately…
What Librarians Should Know About Gay and Lesbian Publishing
Sasha AlysonCategories—it would be impossible to run a library without them. Categories break down huge quantities of books into manageable stacks on this subject and that. Books with a gay…
Chain Bookstores and Library Collection Building
About 20 years ago I was employed as a consultant by an educational publishing company. One of my chief duties was to spend a few days at least once each year in a number of pilot…
The Embrace of Chaos: Definitions of the Genre of Alienation—Thrillers
Kathleen HeimThe dismissal of the ordinary and the embrace of chaos are characteristics of the thriller which has, over the last decade, accounted for nearly 25 percent of the best‐seller…
Life After 40
Joyce Payne, Aurelia StephenIf you are 30 or older, you are middle‐aged by someone's criteria. When the college students of the 1970s declared “Don't trust anyone over 30,” did you think they would be…
U.S. Documents: Basic Selection Sources
This column will review aspects of documents collection development. It will suggest and evaluate specific documents sources, as well as contribute ideas on documents collection…
Keeping Track
CCLM News. 1982. q. $5. Lenora Champagne, ed. Coordinating Council of Literary magazines, 2 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016. ISSN 0273–3315. The idea that the arts should be…
Alone at Home: Free and Inexpensive Materials on Latchkey Children
Recent reports show that millions of children between the ages of six and thirteen must care for themselves without a parent or other adult present during out‐of school hours…