Collection Building: Volume 5 Issue 3
Table of contents
A Feminist Researcher's Guide to Periodical Indexes, Abstracting Services, Citation Indexes, and Online Databases
Helen Rippier WheelerFive years ago a friend whose business has the word “women” in its title began referring to me requests she received for information about a large area encompassing women's…
Weeding Library and Information Science Collections:: An Experience Using Student Assistants
June Lester EngleThe library of the Emory University Division of Librarianship had its beginnings in the teaching collection of the training classes of the Carnegie Library of Atlanta, and thus…
Public Libraries as Oral History Centers: An Evaluation
Joseph W. PalmerLocal history activities are becoming an important function of public libraries in the United States. Librarians are recognizing that they must play a leading role in preserving…
At one time or another, anyone involved with selection and acquisitions is confronted with the phenomenon of the library thief, and the nagging suspicion that the latest acquired…
The Literary Excellence Syndrome
For the first eighteen years of my library career I was a children's specialist. I was raised, educated, and trained in the literary excellence syndrome. Its motto is, “Ask not if…
Putting the Alternative Press into a University Press Binding
Patricia J. CaseSince June 1982, when Alternative Papers was published, I have asked friends, enemies, and strangers to review it, yet I confess I was rather surprised when the editor of this…
Book Distribution: Part 2
In my last column in Collection Building, I was concerned with an article that appeared in a 1982 issue of Publishers Weekly which dealt with the ways book publishers are…
Redressing an Internal Imbalance: Women and Science Fiction, 1965–1980
Janice M. BogstadFor many years, science fiction has been perceived as “rayguns and rocket ships” boys' literature. Any number of impressionistic and statistical studies have identified the…
Stress Points
Passages, seasons, turning points—all of these popular terms refer to periods of transition in our lives. I am careful to say “our lives” because these stages are universal; for…
Women's Wages: Materials on Pay Equity
Helen B. JosephineThe facts speak for themselves — women earn 59 cents for every dollar earned by men. Women earn the most in professions where men pre‐dominate—operations research, law…