Collection Building: Volume 5 Issue 1
Table of contents
Island Trees v. Pico The Legal Implications
Robert D. StoneThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the June 25 decision of the United States Supreme Court in the Island Trees school library case (Board of Education, Island Trees Union…
Island Trees v. Pico The Battle Ahead
Nat HentoffThere is a Federal District Judge in Boston, Joseph Tauro, whose passion for the First Amendment would have greatly gratified James Madison. In 1978, Tauro presided over a school…
The Popular Culture Collection Quandary: A Survey of Faculty Needs
Barbara B. MoranAlthough interest in the study of popular culture on the university and college level has increased greatly since the 1960s, there has been little written to date about collection…
Think Globally—: Collection Development
David H. StamSome of you may be familiar with the music of a somewhat offbeat rock group called The Police, and specifically their song called “Too Much Information.” The most qualified…
Business Basics:: A Guide To Selection Sources
Milton G. TernbergCollection development in the field of business is an exciting and rewarding professional activity. It is a field that is constantly changing with the subject matter varying from…
Perspective: By the Numbers: The Fallacy of Formula
Bill KatzThe purpose of this and future columns about collection development is to be judiciously critical and mildly constructive.
Administrator's Viewpoint
Edwin BeckermanIn recent years this publication has explored a wide range of subjects touching on collection development. This has ranged from such general topics as collection evaluation and a…
Focus on Youth: The Nonperson Gap in Public Library Collections
Dorothy BroderickFor many public libraries true collection development representing service to the full range of individuals within the community will never come as long as the literature and…
Alternatives: A Walk on the Wild Side: A Conversation with “Sex‐Positive” Publisher Joani Blank
Sandy Berman, Celeste WestCeleste West: As publisher of Down There Press, your nine titles are famous, even notorious, for being the most “out there” sex titles this side of pornography. Yet you are an…
Library‐Publishing Connection: Too Many Books? Publishers' Problems and Collection Building
Audrey EaglenGiven the astonishing number of new book titles and new editions of older books published each year in the United States, one could assume that collection building (and…
Free & Inexpensive: On the Go: Materials on Cars and Driving
Ilse MoonThe love‐object of America's romance with the automobile may have changed from the chrome‐bedecked gas guzzler of the fifties to today's trim, prim foreign model, but there is no…