Collection Building: Volume 31 Issue 1
Table of contents
Interdisciplinarity on campus: how the publishing world is responding
Karen Lawson, Christine King, Tobie MatavaThe purpose of this article is to explore how the publishing world is responding to library collection development challenges posed by the growth of interdisciplinary studies…
When patrons call the shots: patron‐driven acquisition at Brigham Young University
Rebecca SchroederThis paper seeks to provide evidence that patron‐driven acquisition is a successful collection development tool.
Butoh: a bibliography of Japanese avant‐garde dance
Shea A. TaylorThis article's aim is to provide an annotated bibliographic resource guide for scholars researching butoh and academic and research libraries with collection development areas…
Reference in transition: a case study in reference collection development
Robert Detmering, Claudene SprolesThe purpose of this article is to describe the ongoing process of weeding, streamlining, and transforming a very large, print‐based reference collection at the University of…
Application of ICTs in collection development in private university libraries in Kenya
Syombua Kasalu, Joseph Bernard OjiamboThe purpose of this study was to find out ways in which collection development practices in private university libraries in Kenya could be enhanced by the use of information and…