Collection Building: Volume 25 Issue 3
Table of contents
Tying collection development's loose ends with interlibrary loan
Margie RuppelThe purpose of this paper is to discover the characteristics and quality of interlibrary loan (ILL) titles, and determine whether purchasing ILL titles is a useful collection…
The new hybrid art library: printed materials and virtual information
Alicia García, Teresa CosoThe aim of this paper is to provide a discussion of whether librarians need to use special cataloguing for virtual resources to use and preserve this kind of information.
Print to electronic: the University of Hong Kong case
Anthony W. FergusonThe paper aims to examine the change of University of Hong Kong Libraries from a mostly print collection to a mostly electronic collection.
Our digital heritage as source material to end‐users: collection of and access to net publications in the National Library of Norway
Kjersti RustadThis paper aims to look at the collecting of internet documents in The National Library of Norway.
The ARTstor Digital Library: a case study in collection building
Max MarmorThe purpose of this paper is to outline the approach to collection development that has characterized the building of the ARTstor Digital Library.