Collection Building: Volume 19 Issue 3
Table of contents
A question of balance: the role of libraries in providing alternatives to the mainstream media
Nancy KranichDiscusses the importance of the alternative press and what libraries can do to ensure a healthy alternative press. Argues that libraries must counter the illusion that the current…
Florida and China: a select bibliography
Wenxian ZhangChinese began to arrive in Florida at the turn of the 20th century. Currently there are more than fifty thousand Chinese living in Florida. This article provides information…
Impact of remote library storage on information consumers: “Sophie’s choice”?
Robert S. SeedsMost large academic and research libraries have placed parts of their collections in off‐site storage. The author discusses the full range of decision‐making criteria used in…
Developing electronic resources at the KFUPM library
Saleh Al‐Baridi, Syed Sajjad AhmedThis paper presents an overview of the development of electronic resources at the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) Library. It will highlight KFUPM Library…
SPARC: encouraging new models of disseminating knowledge
Ken FrazierPresents an outline of the organization, SPARC – Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition – which represents a worldwide alliance of libraries and library…