Collection Building: Volume 16 Issue 3
Table of contents
Libraries as sites for contested knowledges: collection development in the area of Aboriginal studies
Heather MoorcroftDiscusses the complexities of singling out a specific group, such as Aboriginal peoples, to provide library services for, by using Northern Territory University Library as an…
Maori collections in New Zealand libraries
Chris Szekely, Sally WeatherallProvides a brief historical background on why libraries are relevant to Maori. Discusses some of the factors and issues relating to developing Maori collections. Profiles a…
Not just housewives and old maids
Juliet FleschThe Romance Fiction Collection in the University of Melbourne Library is the only collection of its kind in an Australian academic library. It includes a representative sample of…
Geographical information systems at Princeton University: evaluation and exploration of a new library service
Ronald C. JantzReviews some of the popular Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and related digital data sources. Discusses the results of interviews with Princeton University Library patrons…
The Beat Generation: a reference pathfinder
Adam D. KleinProvides direction for researchers, collections developers, and other interested people to locate sources of information on The Beat Generation. Focussing on the primary period of…