Collection Building: Volume 14 Issue 2
Table of contents
Keeping an eye on reference publishing: will librarians try in the 1990s?
Ruth S. Ziegler, Roy A. ZieglerTracks the cost of 22 standard reference sources from 1987 to 1993 to reveal that prices have increased far beyond the rate of inflation. With new technological innovations in the…
Collection development in the field of communication studies
Ann T. Power, Jeanne PavyThe area of communication with its multistrand, interdisciplinary webbing presents a challenge to the bibliographer seeking to develop a collection. Describes a project at the…
Academic libraries in Iowa cope with serials cutbacks
Gordon RowleyAt a time when rising costs of journal subscriptions forced academic libraries in Iowa to scrutinize their continuing obligations more carefully, a group of librarians…
How to look a gift horse in the mouth, or how to tell people you can't use their old junk in your library
Benita StrnadDiscusses how to deal with donations of materials to the library. Although libraries are always seeking appropriate materials to add to their collections, many donations are not…
Gay, lesbian and bisexual titles: their treatment in the review media and their selection by libraries
James H. Sweetland, Peter G. ChristensenReports on a comparison of the 1992 Lambda Book Award titles and a sample of titles reviewed in the Lambda Book Report with a control group of titles listed in Publishers Weekly…
A delicate balance: collection development and women's history
Anne LundinArgues that women's history is a player in the history of collection development, although its awards are obscured in library history. Pioneer women librarians shaped children's…
Why libraries must subscribe to — and preserve — the neighborhood and community press
John YewellRelates how the small press are marginalized by libraries. Argues that, as most of these publications are free, subscribing to them for archival purposes is not considered…