Collection Building: Volume 13 Issue 2/3
Table of contents
Theoretical Value Of Conspectus‐based (Cooperative) Collection Management
Barbara McFadden AllenWhile approaching the theoretical value of conspectus‐based cooperative collection management, I'll address the issues as they relate to resource sharing in general. I'll repeat a…
RLG And NCIP: A Brief Overview And Selected Bibliography
Barbara McFadden AllenThe RLG (Research Libraries Group) conspectus was developed in 1980 by the Collection Management and Development Committee of the Research Libraries Group. The committee was…
The Krueger Method: An Introduction
Georgine OlsonThe Krueger Method, one of the first conspectus geared to use by smaller, non‐automated libraries, is examined in the following three articles. Together, they show both the…
Illinois Valley Library System And The Development Of The Krueger Method
Bill ErbesThe Illinois Valley Library System (IVLS) has long been committed to coordinated cooperative collection development as an efficient, effective resource sharing mechanism. IVLS is…
The Krueger Manuals: A Case Study
Kimberly BunnerWhen asked to reflect upon being one of the original test sites for what has become known as the Krueger Manuals, I thought back to all the excitement we shared being a test site…
Krueger Lives: An Unscientific Exploration
Georgine OlsonWith the evolution of the WLN‐based Illinois Conspectus over the last decade, it is not unusual for some of us Illinois librarians to consider that earlier Illinois product, The…
WLN Conspectus: An Introduction
Georgine OlsonThe WLN Conspectus is examined in three articles that, together, give an explanation of the conspectus and an examination of how it has been used in two different venues.
The WLN Conspectus
Sally LokenConspectus can mean, in some instances, either a survey, overview, or outline of the subjects in a collection. However, conspectus is also a method—the method of using the outline…
Using The WLN Conspectus In A Non‐Automated Environment
Nancy PowellLibrarians nationwide agree that collection assessment is a valuable tool for managing the collection and allocating the materials budget. Libraries invariably list a variety of…
Shared Futures: Cooperative Collection Development And Management In Alaska
June Pinnell‐StephensSince its inception in 1982, the tasks of the Alaska Collection Development project have changed as technology and our understanding of the process evolved and grew, but the goal…
Fiction Assessment: An Introduction
Georgine OlsonThe development and use of a fiction assessment conspectus is explored in three article.
Quality And Demand: The Basis For Fiction Collection Assessment
Sharon L. BakerOver the past half century, librarians have been increasingly interested in carefully and systematically examining their collections—making changes to strengthen and develop these…
Designing A Fiction Assessment Tool: The Customer Service Approach
Burns DavisWhy create another collection assessment tool? One reason is the highly personal nature of the assessment process. Each local library describes and evaluates its own collection in…
Effects Of Fiction Assessment On A Rural Public Library
Marietta WeberThe Chatsworth Township Library is located in the small Central Illinois village of Chatsworth. It has a total yearly budget under $20,000 and a population of 1,444 (1993). The…
The Conspectus As A Tool For (Cooperative) Collection Management
Georgine OlsonWe, in Illinois, have devoted much time and energy in the last several years to promoting the theories and methods of collection analysis, collection management, and cooperative…
Employing Collection Management As An Institutional Change Agent
Thomas J. DorstIn its most basic aspects, the process of identifying and selecting materials for a library's collection has not seen substantial change in a century. Fundamentally, selection…
Cooperative Collection Management Among Four Rural Libraries
Ruth ShasteenFour libraries in East‐Central Illinois established a model cooperative collection development project funded by a Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) Grant for the…
Process To Promise: The CCM Plan
Brenda J. FooteSome libraries have the resources to provide all the services necessary for entertainment, cultural, and educational development in their communities, while others are struggling…