Assembly Automation: Volume 9 Issue 3


The international journal of assembly technology and management

Table of contents

EWAB's heavy duty system carries on the good work

Having pioneered the flexible link conveyor system EWAB is staying ahead with a new heavy duty system. Brian Rooks reports from the company's new UK headquarters in Telford.


From black art to white‐hot technology

Automation hand‐in‐hand with a determined management and a dedicated workforce have helped Tl Apollo turn round its golf shaft business. Brian Rooks visited the Oldbury factory to…


Design and manufacture overlap to advantage

Time‐to‐market is giving a competitive edge to many companies today. Some of the tools and methods to assist in this process were discussed at two recent conferences. Jack…


Expert system aids design for assembly

A new aid to design for assembly, just launched by Lucas Engineering & Systems, aims to set the design on the right path before too much has been invested.


Consortium aims for multi‐product assembly

Launched in May, the 10‐member IN FACT project intends to install two flexible assembly machine prototypes by the end of 1990. Jack Hollingum went to investigate.


Getting cylinder heads on demand

ABB Robotics has developed a generic system for automatically assembling petrol engine cylinder heads. At its heart is the IRb 1000 robot of which over 80 have been installed for…


UK process expertise ties in with Swiss precision

Dowty Special Purpose Machines has linked up with the Swiss company Promec to build precision assembly plant Brian Rooks reports.


Cost and flexibility favour the robot

An unusual robotic assembly system for electrical connectors has been installed by French company Radiall. Anna Kochan reports.


SCARA's race to the finish

Joachim Schöninger, Gerd Schlaich

The German Institute IPA has carried out the first comparative study of SCARA robots. After a year of tests the first results have been released.


SMT: a table top dream becomes reality

In his continuing series on how small companies are operating in the electronics assembly area, Stephen McClelland takes a look at a Manchester surface‐mount sub‐contractor.


Keeping a tag on flexible assembly

Electronic identification systems are being increasingly used in flexible assembly. Brian Rooks reviews a report from Bosch and the German IDENT exhibition.








Online date, start – end:

1980 – 2022

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited


  • Prof Hong Qiao