Assembly Automation: Volume 6 Issue 4


The international journal of assembly technology and management

Table of contents

Keeping up standards: Allen‐Bradley builds a facility for starters

A $15 million investment in an automated assembly line at Allen‐Bradley's Milwaukee headquarters is designed for production efficiency as well as to be a showcase of technology.

Marconi integrates design and test equipment through open networks

Jack Hollingum

The first fruit of the new Marconi Instruments Automation Division is an integrated system for computer‐aided design and test—and ultimately manufacture—of electronic products.

Dedicated versus flexible automation in light assembly

Alistair Graham Bryce

Both dedicated and flexible solutions are discussed in the context of the assembly of medical instruments and fluid meters.

It's people that matter not robots

A group of senior managers and engineers from Europe recently visited Japan. They were neither disappointed nor overawed by the technology but found ‘people involvement’…

Telecom technology brings PCB problems for Plessey

Plessey Major Systems is now using robotic assembly of printed circuit boards on its production line. But the introduction of this technology has not been without its problems, as…

Running like clockwork: assembly automation at Timex

Over the past decade Timex has switched from making millions of watches every year to becoming an ultra‐high‐volume automated assembler of consumer electronics, as Stephen…

Needle triggers off Nobel's new detonator design

Nobel's Explosives, a wholly‐owned subsidiary of ICI, won a 1986 Design Council award for the design and assembly of the Magnadet electric detonator. Anna Kochan reports.

Systems integrators look to electronics assembly

Interest focused on flexible assembly automation at last month's Robotex exhibition in Brussels. John Mortimer reports.

Assembly robots or dedicated automatic assembly machines

B. Lotter

The dividing line between the sensible and efficient use of assembly robots and that of dedicated automatic assembly machines requires detailed planning.

Small systems come into vogue

Several small assembly systems based on robots were in evidence at Tokyo's Assembly Automation Show. John Hartley reports.







Online date, start – end:

1980 – 2022

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited


  • Prof Hong Qiao