Assembly Automation: Volume 34 Issue 1


The international journal of assembly technology and management

Table of contents

Dynamic assembly simplification for virtual assembly process of complex product

Hong Xiao, Yuan Li, Jian-Feng Yu, Hui Cheng

Virtual assembly process plays an important role in assembly design of complex product and is typically time- and resource-intensive. This paper aims to investigate a dynamic…


Smart materials: a review of capabilities and applications

Robert Bogue

– This paper aims to provide an introduction to smart materials, with an emphasis on their capabilities and applications.


Automated carton making, order filling and goods movement lifts material handling to new heights of efficiency

Richard Bloss

Review of the most recent Automate and Promat shows in Chicago with emphasis on the new automation innovations and applications on display. The paper aims to discuss these issues…


A mini work-cell for handling and assembling microcomponents

Gianmauro Fontana, Serena Ruggeri, Irene Fassi, Giovanni Legnani

The purpose of this paper was the design, development, and test of a flexible and reconfigurable experimental setup for the automatic manipulation of microcomponents, enhanced by…


Analysis of buffered assembly line productivity

Ryspek Usubamatov, Abd Alsalam Alsalameh, Rosmaini Ahmad, Abdul Rahman Riza

The paper aims to study car assembly line, to show its productivity rate, and to derive a mathematical model for the productivity rate of the assembly line segmented into sections…


The development of a physics and constraint-based haptic virtual assembly system

Germanico Gonzalez-Badillo, Hugo Medellin-Castillo, Theodore Lim, James Ritchie, Samir Garbaya

This paper aims to report the development and key features of a novel virtual reality system for assembly planning and evaluation called Haptic Assembly and Manufacturing System…


A mathematical programming approach for walking-worker assembly systems

Emre Cevikcan

It has become increasingly critical to design and maintain flexible and rapid assembly systems due to unpredictable and varying market conditions. The first stage of developing…


Positioning accuracy characterization of assembled microscale components for micro-optical benches

Cédric Clévy, Ion Lungu, Kanty Rabenorosoa, Philippe Lutz

– This paper aims to deal with the measurement of positioning accuracies of microscale components assembled to fabricate micro-optical benches (MOB).


Shape memory technology for active assembly/disassembly: fundamentals, techniques and example applications

L. Sun, W.M. Huang, H.B. Lu, C.C. Wang, J.L. Zhang

– This paper aims to present a review on utilizing shape memory technology (SMT) for active assembly/disassembly, i.e. assembly/disassembly without physically touching.


Hand gesture recognition using low-budget data glove and cluster-trained probabilistic neural network

Ognjan Luzanin, Miroslav Plancak

Main purpose is to present methodology which allows efficient hand gesture recognition using low-budget, 5-sensor data glove. To allow widespread use of low-budget data gloves in…


Disassembly sequence planning for electro-mechanical products under a partial destructive mode

Xiaowen Song, Weidong Zhou, Xingxing Pan, Kun Feng

To improve the efficiency and economy of electro-mechanical product's recycle process, this paper aims to propose a disassembly sequence planning (DSP) method to reduce additional…








Online date, start – end:

1980 – 2022

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited


  • Prof Hong Qiao