Assembly Automation: Volume 32 Issue 2


The international journal of assembly technology and management

Table of contents - Special Issue: Design for Manufacturing

Design for manufacture and assembly: background, capabilities and applications

Robert Bogue

The purpose of this paper is to describe the design for manufacture (DFM) and design for assembly (DFA) concepts and illustrate their benefits and applications.


Automated packaging is a big hit at PackExpo

Richard Bloss

The purpose of this paper is to review the PackExpo Show (packaging technology) with emphasis on automation innovations for better and more cost effective packaging.


The IDEAS project: plug & produce at shop‐floor level

Mauro Onori, Niels Lohse, Jose Barata, Christoph Hanisch

Current major roadmapping efforts have all clearly underlined that true industrial sustainability will require far higher levels of systems' autonomy and adaptability. In…


Complexity mapping of the product and assembly system

S.N. Samy, H.A. ElMaraghy

The purpose of this paper is to present methods for assessing and mapping the complexity of products and their assembly. In cases of complexity of assembly it is important to…


A dynamic assembly model for assembly sequence planning of complex product based on polychromatic sets theory

Zhijia Xu, Yuan Li, Jie Zhang, Hui Cheng, Shoushan Jiang, Wenbin Tang

Assembly Sequence Planning integrating assembly Resources (ASPR) is a trend in industry. Because of the introduction of resource, the complexity of ASPR for complex product…


Ontology‐based context‐sensitive computing for FMS optimization

Mohammad Kamal Uddin, Juha Puttonen, Sebastian Scholze, Aleksandra Dvoryanchikova, Jose Luis Martinez Lastra

The purpose of this paper is to present an ontology‐based approach of context‐sensitive computing for the optimization of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS).


Effect of system compliance and workpiece dynamics on machining error

S. Vishnupriyan

Source errors in a workpiece fixture system include the compliance of the workpiece fixture system and workpiece dynamics. The purpose of this paper is to study the relative…


Real time facility performance monitoring system using RFID technology

Kuen‐Min Chen, Joseph C. Chen, Ronald A. Cox

The purpose of this paper is to implement a value stream map (VSM) in a lean environment by automating the collection and distribution of production data. This on‐line RFID‐based…








Online date, start – end:

1980 – 2022

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited


  • Prof Hong Qiao