Assembly Automation: Volume 31 Issue 2


The international journal of assembly technology and management

Table of contents - Special Issue: Advanced Manufacturing Processes

Nanocomposites: a review of technology and applications

Robert Bogue

This paper aims to describe the technology and applications of nanocomposite materials.


Metal cutting machines continue to re‐invent themselves as manufacturing systems at latest IMTS show

Richard Bloss

The purpose of this paper is to review the International Manufacturing Technology Show in Chicago with emphasis on innovations in applying automation to manufacturing and assembly.


A particle swarm optimization algorithm for balancing assembly lines

Dimitris I. Petropoulos, Andreas C. Nearchou

The purpose of this paper is to apply particle swarm optimization (PSO) a known combinatorial optimization algorithm to multi‐objective (MO) balancing of large assembly lines.


Analysis of part jamming in a feeder of automatic machines

R. Usubamatov, A. Usubamatova, M.Z.A. Muin

The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis and practical study of part jamming in the feeder of an automatic machine.


New modeling and performance evaluation of tool sharing control in FMS using colored Petri nets

Shaukat Ali Shah, Erik L.J. Bohez, Roongrat Pisuchpen

A major factor to the success of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) is their ability to transport work pieces between different workstations. FMS have now become more advanced…


Entry‐level RP machines: how well can they cope with geometric complexity?

Eujin Pei, R. Ian Campbell, Deon de Beer

The purpose of this paper is to examine the limitations of entry‐level rapid prototyping (ELRP) machines when fabricating objects with high complexity.


An off‐line programming system for flexible drilling of aircraft wing structures

Cheng Zou, Jihong Liu

Drilling is an important operation in aircraft wing assembly. In order to enhance this operation, automated machines are used. The purpose of this paper is to propose an off‐line…


Auto‐ID based weedicide manufacturing process

Hyo Won Han, Yoon Seok Chang, Myung Ryul Choi

The purpose of this paper is to present a new way of manufacturing process in the plant of the leading weedicide manufacturing company in Korea, Dongbu.


Optimal sensor placement for fixture fault diagnosis using Bayesian network

Yinhua Liu, Sun Jin, Zhongqin Lin, Cheng Zheng, Kuigang Yu

Fixture failures are the main cause of the dimensional variation in the assembly process. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the optimal sensor placement of compliant sheet…


RFID adoption: a systems thinking perspective through profitability engagement

Yahia Zare Mehrjerdi

The purpose of this paper is two‐fold: first, to deliver a review of the researches conducted on the topic of radio frequency identification (RFID) adoption and the key factors…








Online date, start – end:

1980 – 2022

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited


  • Prof Hong Qiao