Assembly Automation: Volume 3 Issue 4


The international journal of assembly technology and management

Table of contents

Making the most of Japanese assembly robot technology

Evershed has established its Robotics company at Chertsey overlooking the River Thames. It has a licence to market the Toshiba range of robots in the UK and three other European…


Why it pays to assemble with molten metal

Eric P. Graham

The benefits of assembly of components by injection of molten metal are described in detail in this article.


Cost analysis for multi‐arm robotic assembly

A.H. Redford, E.K. Lo, P. Killeen

The paper describes analyses which have been developed to determine the cost of assembly using a multi‐arm assembly robot fed by a wide variety of different feeding systems and…


A modular solution for heavy loads

A heavy duty transfer system has been added to the range of assembly automation elements produced by Bosch of West Germany, more than trebling the workpiece weight that can be…


Matching the equipment to the job

Hans Skoog, Ulf Holmqvist

This paper discusses the advantages associated with the use of programmable automatic assembly systems. Different types of assembly equipment are examined with respect to…


Integrating testing with assembly for motor component manufacturer

An integrated three phase assembly fine has been built by the French company Sormel for a multinational motor components company in the UK. Windscreen washer motor and pump units…


Flexibility can be achieved through robot assembly

The number of robot assembly systems in the UK is very low. One of the first to come on stream is helping Cam Gears assemble automobile steering units. Brian Rooks has been to…


Eliminating the paperwork in PCB manufacture and test

Automatic handling of PCBs during testing is now feasible. The ATE company Zehntel introduced a robot board handling system when its new European offices were opened in September.


Hitachi follows the robot road

Robots are intermingled with hard automation in Hitachi's new vcr assembly line. John Hartley reports.


Robot assembly machines

John Hartley

Toyoda Machine Works builds two assembly systems around its new robots.








Online date, start – end:

1980 – 2022

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited


  • Prof Hong Qiao