Assembly Automation: Volume 20 Issue 4


The international journal of assembly technology and management

Table of contents

Product design enhancement by integration of virtual design and assembly analysis tools

Albert C.K. Choi, Prasanthi Guda

Assembly is a necessary and important part of any manufacturing process. Computer aided production engineering allows production engineers to create an on‐screen virtual…


Rapid prototyping: a key to fast tracking design to manufacture

Simon Graham

Describes recent advances in rapid prototyping using a new ink jet style binder fluid that speeds up prototype manufacture by a factor of ten. Also cites numerous application…


Rapid prototyping gains speed, volume and precision

Anna Kochan

Identifies trends in the rapid prototyping market worldwide, reports on new rapid prototyping techniques, reviews the latest developments in 3D printers, highlights new metal…


Software planning of assembly lines

Brian Rooks

The article introduces eM‐Assembly, one of the new generic computer aided production engineering solutions from Tecnomatix. The solution incorporates a number of modules to plan…


Determining the optimum level of work in progress using constraint analysis and computer simulation

Bruce Gunn, Saeid Nahavandi

The dilemma faced by many batch‐manufacturing operations is the trade‐off between reducing lead times and manufacturing throughput. Using Little’s Law and the…


Robotic fibre placement process planning and control

Bijan Shirinzadeh, Chee Wei Foong, Boon Hui Tan

The excellent material properties of fibre reinforced composites make them especially attractive for applications in the aerospace and automotive industries. Traditional methods…


Robotyping – new rapid prototyping processes for sand moulds using industrial robots

Walter Schaaf

This article describes new approaches in rapid prototyping large sand moulds using industrial robots. In contrast to state of the art processes, the new approaches work…


Tooling modifications using a Faro portable inspection arm and rapid prototyping

Ken Young, Stephen Kirk, Richard Piggin

The ability of portable inspection arms for inspection and redesign of body in white assembly tooling is evaluated. Issues of data exchange between the systems used including the…








Online date, start – end:

1980 – 2022

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited


  • Prof Hong Qiao