Assembly Automation: Volume 15 Issue 4


The international journal of assembly technology and management

Table of contents

Enhancing reality to make the ideal instrument

Bill Simmonds

Explores the use of “enhanced reality” to achieve the ideal ofinstruments coupling humans into tasks which defy direct human interactions.Looks at the use of intelligent imaging…


PC‐based virtual test and measurement speed bench testing

Ivor Matanle

Explores a PC‐based multi‐function virtual test andmeasurement system for automated manufacturing lines. The system includessingle and dual channel oscilloscopes, a 50MHz spectrum…


Reducing the number of tests for attribute inspection systems

Michael Yaccino, James Maynard

Examines a way to dramatically reduce the number of tests it takes toqualify a vision inspection system [VIS] which carries out attributeinspections by applying a statistical…


In search of a disassembly factory

Anna Kochan

A report from a seminar organised by the Technion Israel Institute ofTechnology in Haifa on the recycling of obsolete electro‐mechanicalproducts. Amongst the topics discussed were…


Rapid developments in rapid prototyping

Anna Kochan

Report from a recent conference held in Italy and organised by the RapidPrototyping Research Group at the University of Nottingham. Papers werepresented on a wide variety of…


Planning of disassembly systems

Eyal Zussman

Examines the problems to be considered when looking at the operationplanning of a disassembly factory. Discusses the recycling network comprisingthe manufacturers, consumers…


Generic gripper—grabs your components

G. Bright, S.L. Martegoutte

Looks at a research project to design a generic robotic gripper able toassemble a PC board with electronic components as efficiently as possible.Discusses the concept of grouping…


Machine vision‐based quality control systems for the automotive industry

Peter Hage, Bob Jones

Focuses on the JL Automation Company of Sunderland, a major supplier ofboth turnkey and OEM solutions for the quality control of components for theautomotive industry. The company…








Online date, start – end:

1980 – 2022

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited


  • Prof Hong Qiao