Assembly Automation: Volume 15 Issue 2
The international journal of assembly technology and managementTable of contents
PCB assembly
David GoldingDiscusses the manufacturing technology associated with the assembly ofprinted circuit boards [PCBs] covering photolithography, etching,manual assembly of PCBs and the soldering…
Justifying flexible automation for PCB assembly
Gregory W HolcombExamines the use of robots for printed circuit board assembly withparticular reference to the growing trend of mixing surface‐mount andthrough‐hole technology on to a single…
Soldering with light!
D G Whitehead, R J FosterWith the ever‐decreasing size of electronic components, examinesthe use of laser soldering, particularly of fine‐pitch, high valuedevices. Discusses the advantages and…
Automated test—the virtual instrument revolution
Andy PenneyExamines how the personal computer has brought about dramatic changes inautomatic test equipment [ATE] in electronics manufacturing.Describes the three major instrumentation types…
Modular automation beats the recession
Jack HollingumReports on the success of the Modular Automation Company. Gives a briefhistory of the company and explains that some of the reasons for itscontinuing success is thought to be the…
A visit to mars to discover progressive automation
Gunter WittenbergExamines how Mars Electronics International Ltd of Wokingham, expandedinto transaction electronics [the handling of money] investingheavily in equipment for the automatic assembly…
Machine vision in the electronics industry
Charlie Plain‐Jones, Jonathan E LudlowFocuses on the utilization of machine vision in three areas ofelectronic assembly. Looks at odd‐shaped component placement coveringpart location, target location and placement…
Assembly with co‐operating robots
Gino Cardarelli, Mario Palumbo, Pacifico Marcello PelagaggeLooks at studies into the definition of design and management criteriafor assembly cells with co‐operating robots. Examines task typologiesinto which the assembly process can be…
0144-5154Renamed to:
Robotic Intelligence and AutomationOnline date, start – end:
1980 – 2022Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedEditor:
- Prof Hong Qiao