Table of contents
A competitive model of the growth of government
Minh Quang Dao, Hadi S. EsfahaniDevelops a general equilibrium model of the growth of governmentbased on the attempts of various socio‐economic groups to redistributeincome in their own favour. In the…
Export‐share requirements, content protection and the multinational firm under production uncertainty
Michael Ka‐Yiu Fung, Paul R. FlaccoAnalyses the influence of export share and domestic contentpolicies on the level of capital investment undertaken by amultinational firm both in its home country and in the…
Advertising and information: an empirical study of search, experience and credence goods
Robert B. Ekelund, Franklin G. Mixon, Rand W. ResslerInvestigates empirically the importance of buyer characteristics aswell as product and service classifications on the informational contentof advertising supply by sellers…
Monetary policies of developed countries: co‐ordination, coercion or independence
George M. Katsimbris, Stephen M. MillerThe international linkages between money stocks (and inflationrates) has received much attention. Focuses on the advantages anddisadvantages of fixed and flexible exchange rate…
The economics of development: A review article
Prabir C. BhattacharyaReviews the literature on economic development and discusses thegrowth performance of developing countries over the last 40 years.Comments on the relationship between agriculture…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee