Journal of Economic Studies: Volume 17 Issue 6


Table of contents

Human Resources, Factor Intensity and Comparative Advantage of ASEAN

A. Chowdhury, C.H. Kirkpatrick

The article examines the impact of changing human resourceendowments on the factor intensity and commodity composition ofmanufacturing exports in the ASEAN economies. There is…

Impact of External Price Shocks on the Oil‐based Developing Economies

Ali F. Darrat, M. Osman Suliman

This article presents a general equilibrium model capable ofassessing the impact of foreign price shocks on the real side of theoil‐based developing economies. The theoretical…

The Choice of Income Tax Progression

John Creedy

This article examines income tax progression as a mechanism forachieving the intertemporal adjustments of earnings profiles. With arising income profile, the preference for…

Foreign Technology and Customs Unions: Trade Creation and Trade Diversion

Hamid Beladi, Subarna K. Samanta

This article analyses the welfare implications of the customsunions in the presence of multinational corporations for a less thanfully employed small open economy. The traditional…

Deficit Monetisation, Output and Inflation in the United States, 1923‐1982

Richard C.K. Burdekin, Mark E. Wohar

The relative impacts of the monetised and non‐monetised deficit onoutput and inflation in the United States are assessed using annual datafor the 1923‐1982 period. With Federal…

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  • Prof Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee