International Journal of Operations & Production Management: Volume 14 Issue 3


Table of contents

Honda’s Global Flexifactory Network

Andrew Mair

Flexifactories, where the product made can be changed at low cost andquickly, constitute an important aspect of manufacturing flexibility.Examination of Honda flexifactories…


Using Time to Generate Corporate Renewal

Horst Hart, Anders Berger

Presents a preliminary evaluation of an extensive corporate renewalprogramme directly encompassing some 70 companies in the Swedish branchof Asea Brown Boveri (ABB). The renewal…


Total Effectiveness in a Just‐in‐Time System

Christer Karlsson, Christer Norr

Discusses the effects of the implementation of Just‐in‐Time (JIT) in therelationships between suppliers and manufacturing companies withinSwedish industry. Explores whether such…


Managing Change towards Lean Enterprises

Riitta Smeds

Encouraging experiences from a case study show that when leanmanufacturing is implemented as an innovation process, and socialstimulation games are applied, the resulting new…


Developing and Testing Benchmarking and Self‐assessment Frameworks in Manufacturing

C.A. Voss, V. Chiesa, P. Coughlan

Sets out to examine two questions: first, can an academic‐based approachcontribute to benchmarking and self assessment and, second, can tools bedeveloped for use in manufacturing…


Intra‐group Work Patterns in Final Assembly of Motor Vehicles

Tomas Engström, Lars Medbo

Discusses experiences from the design of parallellized flow assemblysystems. Also discusses factors influencing the performance ofcollective work and relates these to the flow…


Impact of Real‐time Information for Scheduling a Car‐body Shop – A Simulation Study

Roger A. Lindau, Thomas Kanflo, Kenth R. Lumsden

In a system where two material flows with sequence dependency arematched, the use of real‐time information to monitor and control thesequencing buffer improves the system′s…


A Methodology for Evaluation of Order Picking Systems as a Base for System Design and Managerial Decisions

Henrik Brynzér, Mats I. Johansson, Lars Medbo

Presents a methodology useful when analysing the efficiency of orderpicking systems. The main feature of the analysis is the ability tocompare different system designs. The…


Realizing Strategy through Measurement

Andy Neely, John Mills, Ken Platts, Mike Gregory, Huw Richards

It is widely accepted that firms should have manufacturing strategiesconsistent with their overall business strategies, but while much hasbeen written about the content of these…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Tobias Schoenherr
  • Prof. Constantin Blome
  • Robert D. Klassen