International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: Volume 44 Issue 9/10

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Table of contents

Microcredit and women entrepreneurial success: a moderated mediation effect of household economic status

Hawa Petro Tundui, Charles Stephen Tundui

This paper examines whether household economic status mediates the effect of microcredit on entrepreneurial success amongst women microcredit clients and if this effect is…


Economic challenges faced by migrant street vendors during a crisis: implications for social inclusion development

Duong The Duy, Pham Tien Thanh

Informal migrant workers and street vendors have long been recognized as vulnerable groups in urban areas of Global South countries. However, limited studies exist on the economic…


Art galleries usage of artificial intelligence

Vanessa Ratten

Recently there has been a surge in interest about the use of artificial intelligence in organisations with art galleries introducing new technological innovations that coincide…


Give me credit! Microcredit for sustainable development and ethical finance in Rione Sanità, Naples

Andrea Gatto, Rosa Mosca, Gianluigi Elia, Paolo Piscopo

The purpose of microcredit is to offer small loans to people who are not covered by traditional financial channels. It can facilitate entrepreneurship, boosting local…


Replicating the Nordic welfare model: policy prescriptions that recognize the cultural antecedents of solidarity

Amy Lakeman, Michael Jindra

In this article, we examine the historical and cultural foundations of Nordic states’ strong contemporary social indicators to understand whether their successes can be replicated…


If it is adequate, it is not affordable: stakeholder perceptions on opportunities and constraints for pension reform in Indonesia

David Syam Budi Bakroh, Heikki Hiilamo

The purpose of the study is to emphasise the urgent need for pension policy reform within Indonesia’s social security system.


Unveiling non-communicable disease trends among Indian states: predicting health outcomes with socioeconomic and demographic factors

Varsha Shukla, Rahul Arora, Sahil Gupta

The present study examines the fluctuations in Socioeconomic and demographic (SED) factors and the prevalence of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) across clusters of states in…


Deconstructing ageism among older informal workers: a systematic review

Samuel Ampadu Oteng, Padmore Adusei Amoah, Genghua Huang

This study aims to conduct a systematic review of existing literature on ageism among older informal workers, as most studies have focused on formal work settings. Specifically…

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  • Prof Colin Williams