International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: Volume 41 Issue 9/10
Table of contents
Using life goals to explore subjective well-being of people in northeast Thailand
Buapun Promphakping, Pornpen Somaboot, Farung Mee-Udon, Nopparat Rattanaprathum, Pattaraporn Weeranakin, Ninlawadee Promphakping, Sungkom SuparatanagoolThe purpose of this paper is to explore changes in life goal importance and subjective well-being, and to uncover if life goal importance predicts subjective well-being of people…
Age and education moderate the relationship between confidence in health and political authorities and intention to adopt COVID-19 health-protective behaviours
Fernanda Mata, Pedro S.R. Martins, Julia B. Lopes-Silva, Marcela Mansur-Alves, Alexander Saeri, Emily Grundy, Peter Slattery, Liam SmithThis study aimed to examine (1) whether confidence in political and health authorities predicted intention to adopt recommended health-protective behaviours and (2) whether age…
Government strategies for supporting the adult worker model in European countries: mixed implications for defamilisation
Wai Kam Yu, Iris Po Yee Lo, Chui Man ChauThis article explores the link between defamilisation studies and studies of the adult worker model and discusses the mixed implications that government strategies for supporting…
Do local circumstances affect attitudes towards local social policies? Exploring the role of economic, political and demographic conditions
Babs Broekema, Menno Fenger, Jeroen van der WaalThis article aims to explore whether and how economic, political and demographic municipal conditions shape citizens' attitudes regarding decentralised social policies.
Defining the gig economy: platform capitalism and the reinvention of precarious work
Tom Montgomery, Simone BaglioniThis article seeks to answer the question: how should we conceptualise the “gig economy”? In doing so the authors shall explore if gig economy work should be understood as a novel…
Immigrant children and school bullying: the “unrecognized” victim?
Danielle Xiaodan MoralesThe current study aims to investigate whether the victimization of immigrant children is more likely to be unrecognized by teachers and parents and what demographic factors…
Can spirituality and long-term orientation relate to workplace identity? An examination using SEM
Sulphey M MThe interconnections and relationships of workplace identity with a few organizational behavior concepts such as job involvement, commitment and turnover intentions have been…
Fatherhood escape as a significant feature of the gender contract of Russian men
Marina Kashina, Sergey TkachThe purpose of this paper is to characterize such a feature of the gender contract of Russian men as fatherhood escape, as well as to determine the social consequences that it has…
The professionalisation of domiciliary care for the elderly: a comparison between public and private care service providers in Belgium
Chiara GiordanoThe objective is to explore how the professionalisation of care jobs is constructed in the public and private sectors and to discuss whether the instruments used by public and…
The evolving Korean childcare regime
Tauchid Komara YudaThe objective of this paper is to understand changes and progress of the Korean childcare regime by examining the evolutional process of childcare initiatives that were developed…
Machiavellianism, locus of control, moral identity, and ethical leadership among public service leaders in Malaysia: the moderating effect of ethical role modelling
Nor Farah Hanis Zainun, Johanim Johari, Zurina AdnanThe objective of this study is to examine the predicting role of Machiavellianism, locus of control and moral identity on ethical leadership. This study also assessed the…
Are universal welfare policies really more popular than selective ones? A critical discussion of empirical research
Tijs Laenen, Dimitri GugushviliIn the social policy literature, it is often assumed that universal policies are more popular than selective ones among the public, because they supposedly generate broader…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Colin Williams