International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: Volume 41 Issue 1/2

Table of contents - Special Issue: Social Management System in Economics and Politics: Institutional Environment, Risks and Threats

Guest Editors: Elena G. Popkova, Konstantin V. Vodenko

Social development versus economic growth: current contradictions and perspectives of convergence

Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Svetlana V. Lobova, Alexander N. Alekseev

The purpose of the research is to determine the current contradictions and perspectives of convergence of social development and economic growth for the purpose of formation of…


The social management of human capital: basic principles and methodological approaches

Elena Popkova

The purpose of the paper is to model the modern global practice of social management of human capital – at the state and corporate levels – to determine the perspectives of its…


Social integration as a factor of economic growth: experience and perspectives of developing countries

Galina N. Semenova, Elena I. Larionova, Oleg G. Karpovich, Sergei V. Shkodinsky, Fatima M. Ouroumova

The purpose of the work consists in studying social integration as a factor of economic growth. The authors focus on experience and perspectives of developing countries, as they…


Professional and qualification potential of the digital society: indicative evaluation and systemic management

Anna V. Bodiako, Svetlana V. Ponomareva, Tatiana M. Rogulenko, Margarita V. Melnik, Viktor V. Gorlov

The purpose of the research is to develop scientific and methodological recommendations for indicative evaluation and systemic management of the professional and qualification…


Socio-economic inequality as a barrier on the path of sustainable development: “institutional traps” and perspectives of overcoming them

Aslan Kh. Abashidze, Agnessa O. Inshakova, Alexander M. Solntsev, Denis A. Gugunskiy

The purpose of the paper is to study the problem of socio-economic inequality from the positions of the neo-institutional economic theory, to determine the causal connections of…


Historical memory in the management of cultural security system of Russian society

Konstantin Vodenko, Valentina I. Rodionova, Lyudmila A. Shvachkina, Maria P. Tikhonovskova

The purpose of this paper is to develop a model of management of cultural security of Russian society.


Models of interethnic relations management in a multicultural society in the context of social consequences of globalization

Svetlana A. Lyausheva, Azamat M. Shadzhe, Marina A. Igosheva, Victoria V. Kotlyarova

The goal of this paper is associated with the study of global processes which change the world order and are accompanied with the aggravation of economic competition and…


Risk-oriented approach to managing the social market economy

Taisiia I. Krishtaleva, Elena A. Gureeva, Liliya A. Kripakova, Inna N. Rykova, Yuriy A. Krupnov

The purpose of the paper is to develop a risk-oriented approach to managing the social market economy.


Monitoring of regional labor markets and the main trends of labor underutilization in Russia

Elena V. Sibirskaya, Maria V. Volkova, Lyudmila V. Oveshnikova, Natalia A. Shchukina, Paweł Lula

In the recent two decades, a model of the labor market formed in Russia; it differs from the model that is peculiar for most developed countries. Its specific feature consists in…


Sociodemographic management indicators of the state of the economy (a case study of Russian statistics)

Yuriy G. Volkov, Pavel N. Lukichev, Rashid D. Khunagov, Ekaterina V. Kartashevich, Beburi B. Meskhi

The purpose of this research is to relate the pattern of economic growth with demographic data based on the natural population changes.


Public procurement quality assessment of a region: regression analysis

Olga S. Belokrylova, Kirill A. Belokrylov, Sergey S. Tsygankov, Vadim A. Syropyatov, Elena D. Streltsova

The paper aims to present the results of a study aimed at constructing economic and mathematical models used in decision-making in the management of budget procurement of a…


National food security under institutional challenges (Russian experience)

Vladimir Plotnikov, Yury Nikitin, Maksim Maramygin, Ruslan Ilyasov

The purpose of this paper is to show how institutional conditions affect food security at the national level.


Incoming and outgoing academic mobility in Russia and abroad: main trends, administrative challenges

Tamara K. Rostovskaya, Vera I. Skorobogatova, Elena E. Pismennaya, Vadim A. Bezverbny

The goal of research consists in identifying trends in academic mobility in Russia and abroad, primarily that of academic staff; contributing suggestions on improving the…


Social effectiveness of the market economy: measuring and management

Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Anna V. Shokhnekh, Elena S. Petrenko, Elizaveta A. Milkina

The purpose of the paper is to develop the scientific and methodological provision for measuring and managing the social effectiveness of the market economy and its approbation.


Institutional matrix of social management in region's economy: stability and sustainability vs innovations and digitalization

Veronika V. Yankovskaya, Vladimir S. Osipov, Aleksei G. Zeldner, Tatiana V. Panova, Vitalii V. Mishchenko

The purpose of the article is to develop a new institutional approach to build the social market economy, which would allow balancing traditions and innovations, stability and…


Managing the professional mobility of the Russian youth: specifics of scientific discourse and methodological landmarks

Dmitry N. Mishschenko, Anna V. Vereshchagina, Magomed G. Magomedov, Vladimir I. Mareev, Ayes M. Kumykov

The purpose of the paper is to determine the specifics of scientific discourse in the sphere of managing professional mobility of the Russian youth and to develop a cognitive…


Managing the professional and qualification and innovative potential of youth in the system of higher education

Olga S. Ivanchenko, Svetlana A. Tikhonovskova, Anna A. Zalevskaya, Irina V. Belasheva

The purpose of the paper is to study the factors that influence the effectiveness of the professional and qualification and innovative potential of youth in a university…


Social consequences of economic globalization: experience of developed and developing countries and perspectives of optimization

Sergey Zankovsky, Vitali Bezbakh, Agnessa Inshakova, Ekaterina P. Rusakova

The purpose of the research is to determine the social consequences of economic globalization based on experience of developed and developing countries and to determine the…


Modern globalization: development of glocalization and fragmentation of the world economy

Alexey Yu. Arkhipov, Alexey N. Yeletsky

The purpose of the article is to analyze the contradictory trends in the development of the modern world economic system. The relevance of the topic is due to the multifaceted and…


Development of social market economy under the influence of noneconomic factors: modeling and regulation

Agnessa O. Inshakova, Evgenia E. Frolova, Marina V. Galkina, Ekaterina P. Rusakova

The purpose of the paper is to model and develop recommendations for regulating the development of social market economy under the influence of noneconomic factors.


Innovative development of the national university system in Russia: trends and key elements

Yuriy I. Razorenov, Konstantin V. Vodenko

The goal of the research is to analyze the university development trends in the national innovation system. The paper presents a review of the formation of innovative development…

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  • Prof Colin Williams