International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: Volume 39 Issue 1/2

Table of contents

The service sector: migration, technology and productivity

Sunanda Jha, Dinabandhu Bag

The purpose of this paper is to study the characteristics of the workers in the informal economy and explore the reasons for workers migrating from rural to urban area. The…


“This time may be a little different” – exploring the Finnish view on the future of work

Ville-Veikko Pulkka

The purpose of this paper is to explore Finns’ labor market development predictions for the next ten years and shed light on preferred policy responses to the digital economy.

Open Access.

Does religious affiliation influence trust?

Michael A. Kortt, Joseph Drew

The purpose of this paper is to estimate and explore how religious affiliation may influence general and local trust in contemporary society.


Postcolonial migrations in Russia: the racism, informality and discrimination nexus

Irina Kuznetsova, John Round

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the challenges of bringing postcolonial, racism and migration research into a meaningful dialogue. Based on the research examining…


Better with less: (Re)governmentalizing the government of childhood

Karen Smith

The purpose of this paper is to examine the discursive rationalities shaping Irish child policy, with a particular focus on the rationality of “better with less” and its…


Empathetic British feminists at the crossroads of colonialism and self-determination

Rebecca Cardone

The purpose of this paper is to explore women’s resistance to the religion of civilising missions abroad through empathetic feminism.


Profiling Kuwaiti female apparel consumers: Self-identity, social interactions, and prestige consumption

Mohamed M. Mostafa

The purpose of this paper is to examine female fashion consumer profiles in Kuwait. Drawing on symbolic interactionist, fashion adoption theory, the trickle-down theory, the…


Examining the role of employee engagement in the relationship between organisational cynicism and employee performance

Muhammad Arslan, Jamal Roudaki

Organisational cynicism (OC) is a growing trend in contemporary organisations. However, its impact on employee performance (EP) remains understudied. The purpose of this paper is…


Should the family or the state provide support for the elderly people? Findings from a two-generational Finnish study

Antti O. Tanskanen, Johanna Kallio, Mirkka Danielsbacka

The purpose of this paper is to investigate public opinions towards elderly care. The authors analysed respondents’ opinions towards financial support, practical help and care for…


On guilt and the depoliticization of downsizing practices

Nikolaos Karfakis, George Kokkinidis

The purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical conceptualisation of guilt and the depoliticization of downsizing practices. The authors begin with a critical review of the…

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  • Prof Colin Williams