International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: Volume 31 Issue 7/8
Table of contents
Re‐visiting the barriers to participation in mutual aid
Richard James WhiteMuch of the contemporary literature surrounding the barriers to community self‐help in the advanced economies has placed great emphasis on capital‐orientated barriers, such as a…
Gift exchange: benefits sought by the recipient
Andrew G. Parsons, Paul W. Ballantine, Ann‐Marie KennedyThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the recipient side of gift exchange by establishing the combination/level of gift benefits preferred by the recipient. It investigates…
Defamilisation, dedomestication and care policy: Comparing childcare service provisions of welfare states
Teppo KrögerThis paper aims to use perspectives from both mainstream and feminist welfare state research in drafting a conceptual approach for social care research. This approach is then…
Personal care consumption in Finland: trends in the early 2000s
Outi Sarpila, Pekka RäsänenThe paper aims to examine changes concerning spending on personal care products and services, and socio‐demographic variations between households.
Feelings of social alienation: a comparison of immigrant and non‐immigrant Swedish youth
Jalal Safipour, Donald Schopflocher, Gina Higginbottom, Azita EmamiThe objective of the study is to investigate the social alienation status of Swedish high school students with respect to gender and immigrant background.
“Let no one despise your youth”: A sociological approach to youth justice under New Labour 1997‐2010
Philip Whitehead, Raymond ArthurThe youth justice system in England and Wales has been subjected to numerous transformations since 1997 under New Labour governments. Most approaches to the field during the…
Work engagement in eight European countries: The role of job demands, autonomy, and social support
Sakari Taipale, Kirsikka Selander, Timo Anttila, Jouko NättiThe purpose of this paper is to examine the level and predictors of work engagement among service sector employees in eight European countries.
Unfinished business: Peter Townsend's project for minimum income standards
Christopher DeemingPeter Townsend is one of the greatest social scientists of the twentieth century and best known for his pioneering research into poverty. This paper aims to revisit Townsend's…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Colin Williams