International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: Volume 31 Issue 5/6

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Table of contents

Welfare, exclusion and rough sleeping in Liverpool

Clare Kinsella

The paper aims to explore the relationship between rough sleepers, welfare and policy in the city of Liverpool, taking Liverpool City Council's Homelessness Strategy 2008‐2011 as…


Taking advantage: informal social mechanisms and equal opportunities policies

Peter Taylor‐Gooby

The purpose of this paper is to examine how factors including class position, education, social network membership and cultural capital contribute to the intergenerational…


Mining's relocation culture: The experiences of family members in the context of frequent relocation

Julaine Allan

Good social relationships and connections to place are key aspects of work‐life balance that are rarely considered by employers because of a focus on the work part of the…


Learning to count: a challenge facing trade unions in their educational role

Bill Lee, Catherine Cassell

The purposes of this paper are to explain how the need arose for trade unions to develop accounting systems to monitor learning outcomes and to illuminate how trade unions rose to…


The impacts of the MEPP on program participants and NPOs in Taiwan

Chao‐Yin Lin, Rosario Laratta, Yun‐Hsiang Hsu

The Multiple Employment Promotion Program (MEPP) is an employment promotion measure taken by the Taiwanese Government to deal with the rising unemployment problem since 1996. The…


Marketising social protection in Europe: two distinct paths and their impact on social inequalities

Patricia Frericks

Currently, different experiments in (partially) outsourcing public social protection to the market are observed. This paper seeks to identify two very different paths to…


Cross‐cultural social stress among Muslim, Hindu, Santal and Oraon communities in Rasulpur of Bangladesh

Emaj Uddin

Social structural and cultural theories suggest that social stress induced from socio‐cultural status patterns varies across the world's cultures. The purpose of the study is to…


Relationship between social stress and arrack drinking pattern: A cross‐cultural comparison among Muslim, Hindu, Santal and Oraon arrack drinkers in Rasulpur of Bangladesh

Emaj Uddin

Social stress and alcohol/arrack drinking are interrelated and vary across the sub cultures or cultures around the world. This study aims to examine relationships between social…

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  • Prof Colin Williams